CONTEST 101 TACTICAL COMPASS – 64425 – Plastimo
Dinghy, catamarans and sportsboats 8 to 12 m (26 to 40 ft).
The racing version of the legendary Contest 101, with a tactical card.
Combines the functions of :
- Main steering compass, from card horizontal surface. Course is read from the lubber lines mounted in the lower part of the bowl
- Tactical compass, from card vertical section (direct reading). Tactician-crew only needs to memorise one figure for the 3 legs of an olympic course.
CONTEST® 101Boat sizeSailboats and racing dinghies 8 m and above (26 ft +) Double readingFrom cockpit and cabin.Compass card
Double graduation : horizontal and vertical.
Tactical conical card, graduated every 5°, apparent Ø 100 mm.
Comes as standard in a bulkhead version.
Can be mast-mounted with the addition of optional mast-mounting kit.
Lubber lines3 lubber lines, at 45°.
Heelmeter Graduated every 10°.
Lighting12-24 V LED.
Supplied withProtection cover, drilling template, back flange for neat installation from cabin sideHomologationISO 25862 compliant
• Exclusive installation design allows the compass to fit any bulkhead, vertical or inclined up to 25° front tilt.
• Fits any bulkhead thickness :
– Regular bulkhead thickness (up to 40 mm) : compass is secured with threaded rods.
– Thick or double bulkhead : compass is secured with screws on both sides of the bulkhead.
• All parts fully UV-ray treated.
• Scratch resistant dome.